
Monday 2 April 2012

Painting the Chicken House - chick chick chick chick chicken...

Have to have chickens on a small holding (it is the law I believe ;).

So we cleared out the overgrown chicken run and chucked the old falling down chicken house, and picked up all the rubbish and dead chickens (yes really!) and we are left with a lovely large chicken run needing its chicken house!

I saw a wonderful one on ebay, all pretty colours and very cute but £300, and then I found this one, a very similar style and a reasonable price and just in need of a paint job!

Above: Before - The very reasonably priced chicken house sans paint

So I brought one, got some garden paint and one sunny afternoon it turned into this:

Above: the newly painted and quite lovely chicken house in situ in its run.

Really pleased with the result - just need the chickens now... tbc

My little secrets:
Chicken house: eBay £89 (inc free next day delivery!)
Paint: Cuprinol Garden Shades (Heritage), Country Cream and Wild Thyme

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